Well, it's 2010, the long awaited year of the FIFA World Cup. What on earth will we do with ourselves once the world cup is over? Retreat into our cocoons and mope, or have you got a plan for the year? Are you motivated and inspired, have you made any new year resolutions?
A New Years Revolution (yes, I mean Revolution) is what we all need, something to shake us out of complacency, to reinvigorate and refocus the energy on what is important. Maybe for you it will be a chance to prioritise your health and make some positive changes to your lifestyle - what about eating 5 servings of fruit and veg a day? Or drinking more water in the morning? Perhaps it is deciding to tighten up your medication timing?
Whatever it is for you, let this be a year of improved health, greater wisdom and growing peace. Renew your commitment to strive for optimum health, make better choices and feel the satisfaction of getting older but healthier than ever before.
What about Yoga? It is great for overall health and fitness, but especially beneficial in HIV positives because of the mind body connection and the focus on breathing to control pain, anxiety and symptoms. Plus, its fun and relaxing at the same time.
If your resolution was to join the gym - which I think is a resolution for about 50% of people at the beginning of the year, may I challenge you to be a little more specific? Attending gym may not hold any benefit for you if you are not doing exercise that is properly supervised, constructive and enjoyable. Unfortunately, too many of the gym staff members have little training and knowledge to be able to offer sage advice for your program. It is probably worth spending the money to see a Biokineticist for an assessment that will be tailormade to your goals and ability as well as your medical constraints.
Overall, although we all roll our eyes at the thought of new year resolutions, they present us an opportunity to spark a revolution in our life, to start a movement and to become healthier.
Here's to you and your revolution.